Here’s the translation:

Weekendavisen / Katja Kvaale writes: “…and especially because of the fantastic soundscape, which is both unsettling, unrelenting, and beautiful; compositions of ambient music that sound like lovesick whales, creaking shipwrecks in rough seas, supplemented by the screeching of steel hinges, futuristic industrial rock, and seagull cries – the soundscape alone makes the exhibition worth a visit.”

I’ve been fortunate enough to work as a sound designer for White Noise Agency’s curation of the exhibition *The Magic Box – Shipping, Shopping, and the Global Consumer*.


Weekend avisen / Katja Kvaale skriver; ‘ ……og ikke mindst af den fantastiske lydside, der både er foruroligende, uforsonlig og smuk; kompositioner af ambient musik, der både lyder som forelskede hvaler, så knagende jernskroge i hård sø suppleret med med hvinen af stålhængsler, futuristisk industrirock og mågeskrig – lydsiden alene gør udstillingen et besøg værd….’

Har været så heldig at få lov at være sounddesigner i White Noise Agencys kuratering at udstillingen ‘The Magic Box – shipping, shooping og den globale forbruger.